הגשש החיוור-מבחן ללהקת הנח"ל
שייקה לוי מנסה את מזלו באודישן ללהקת הנח"ל
rare, medium-rare and well-done books stoneware POTTERY EIN HOD village and silly things
It is important to remain calm if your kitten or cat gets caught in a tree. She is probably quite freaked out, and you, as the owner, need to help her calm down.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
1 Step One Avoid mass panic. Given time and privacy, the cat will likely find a way down on her own. (Exceptions are if the cat is injured or if she has a leash wrapped around her neck; go to step 4 in those instances.)
2 Step Two If several hours have passed, try to lure the cat down by opening a can of her favorite food underneath the tree. Call out her name in a calm, reassuring voice.
3 Step Three Lean a wooden ladder up against the tree near the cat so she can climb down. Leave her alone with the ladder for at least 15 minutes so she can climb down on her own.
4 Step Four If the cat is too freaked out to use the ladder, put on work gloves and a thick coat to protect yourself and climb up the ladder to retrieve her. Make sure the ladder is stable before you climb it.
5 Step Five Grab the cat by the nape of the neck to reduce your chances of getting scratched and to induce calmness in the cat.
6 Step Six If your efforts only send the cat farther up the tree, call an animal shelter or a local humane society. A professional animal handler can rescue the cat quite quickly.