Lost Stockings of the 1950's TV Women
Take a look into womens commercials of the fifties with : Beacon Floor Wax, Bravo Floor Wax, Albolene Cream, Accent, Calgon Bath Beads, Bubble Bee Tuna, Crisco Oil, Lustre Creme, Liquid Vel, Vel, Freewax, Gas, Lustre Creme, G.E. Dutch Skillet, Kodak Copy Machine, Elmers Glue, Borden's Cottage Cheese, Buttermilk, Mazola Corn Oil, Congestaid, Faberge Tigress, Niagara, Dessert Cake, All, RCA Whirlpool Range, Cashmere Bouquet, Skin Mist, Tender Loving Care, Vel, Sunbeam Bread, Johnson Baby Powder, Alka Seltzer, Sunbeam Bread, Coffee, Sinactin, Clairol Hair Color, Total, Bold, Colgate Mouth Wash, Prell, Breck, VO5, Enden, Halo, Wash N Curl.