Monday, August 31, 2009

British Museum and Porn

When Benjamin Franklin said nothing was certain other than death and taxes, he missed out the P-word. Even if every rude website packed up and went home; even if all the top shelves in all the newsagents were cleared for more improving material; even if the spouses of every one of our MPs stopped watching blue movies — even then, the British Museum and British Library would still be there, boasting some of the most extensive collections of pornography in the known world.
It seems appropriate that room 69 is one of the most loved-up spaces in the museum. Here you will find a picture of Eros himself, with rather small genitals, on an ancient-Greek amphora. On another one nearby is the teasing image of a Greek beauty seductively removing the belt of her chiton, or tunic, in front of a semi-clad man

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