The Saragossa Manuscript ( Полный пиздец )
"Head movies" — those mind-bending epics like 2001 or El Topo that are supposedly best viewed under the influence — frequently require drugs just to get through them. In the case of The Saragossa Manuscript (1965), the equation is reversed; anyone going into this three-hour mind-fuck straight may well come out feeling stoned. Those who like a challenge and can handle a dizzyingly dense structure that’s more puzzle than plot will be well rewarded. A great score by Krzystof Penderecki and gorgeous cinematography (black-and-white Cinemascope) keep the ear and eye riveted even while the brain is in meltdown.
Directed by the well-regarded Wojciech Has, the film is an adaptation of at least part of a legendary, massive novel by Count Jan Potocki (1761-1815). Potocki’s resume would take almost as long to read as the film takes to watch. Sources say he was a noted travel writer, "novice king of Malta" (whatever that is), Egyptologist, occultist, historian, balloonist, linguist, melancholic, and eventual suicide at age 54. The Manuscript Found in Saragossa (1813) was his crowning work, favorably compared by aficionados to The Decameron and The Arabian Nights for its rich folkloric elements, supernatural motifs, bawdy humor, and surreal touches. It also contains heavy doses of Jewish mysticism and scientific theory of the day (including discussions of mathematics and philosophy). Like its predecessors it has a very modern, labyrinthine, story-within-a-story structure, but it’s even more multilayered, so much so that a slide rule and a scratch pad are advisable for keeping track of who’s who and what’s what. If the movie is any indication, there are as many as five levels of drilldown in some sequences, with one person telling a story about another person, who then tells another story about someone else, who then — you get the idea.
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Part one
The painter and portraitist Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828), whose folkloric depictions of the horrors of witchcraft, warfare and a host of non-supernatural but thoroughly evil human tendencies were an inspiration to the Impressionists, hailed from the countryside around Saragossa, capital city of the former Kingdom of Aragon in northeast Spain. Although Goya has never been cited as a direct influence on Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse (A Manuscript Found in Saragossa), the novel by Jan Potocki (1761-1815) is Goyaesque in the extreme. Goya knew Potocki and was commissioned twice to paint the Polish aristocrat and career soldier’s portrait.
Part two
( Sorry,no english dub for few minutes)
Perhaps during those long and tedious sittings, the local artist and the world traveler swapped tales of the grotesque and arabesque, with the result leading to what is now commonly referred to as The Saragossa Manuscript.
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Ян Потоцкий
Рукопись, найденная в Сарагосе
Directed by the well-regarded Wojciech Has, the film is an adaptation of at least part of a legendary, massive novel by Count Jan Potocki (1761-1815). Potocki’s resume would take almost as long to read as the film takes to watch. Sources say he was a noted travel writer, "novice king of Malta" (whatever that is), Egyptologist, occultist, historian, balloonist, linguist, melancholic, and eventual suicide at age 54. The Manuscript Found in Saragossa (1813) was his crowning work, favorably compared by aficionados to The Decameron and The Arabian Nights for its rich folkloric elements, supernatural motifs, bawdy humor, and surreal touches. It also contains heavy doses of Jewish mysticism and scientific theory of the day (including discussions of mathematics and philosophy). Like its predecessors it has a very modern, labyrinthine, story-within-a-story structure, but it’s even more multilayered, so much so that a slide rule and a scratch pad are advisable for keeping track of who’s who and what’s what. If the movie is any indication, there are as many as five levels of drilldown in some sequences, with one person telling a story about another person, who then tells another story about someone else, who then — you get the idea.
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Part one
The painter and portraitist Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828), whose folkloric depictions of the horrors of witchcraft, warfare and a host of non-supernatural but thoroughly evil human tendencies were an inspiration to the Impressionists, hailed from the countryside around Saragossa, capital city of the former Kingdom of Aragon in northeast Spain. Although Goya has never been cited as a direct influence on Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse (A Manuscript Found in Saragossa), the novel by Jan Potocki (1761-1815) is Goyaesque in the extreme. Goya knew Potocki and was commissioned twice to paint the Polish aristocrat and career soldier’s portrait.
Part two
( Sorry,no english dub for few minutes)
Perhaps during those long and tedious sittings, the local artist and the world traveler swapped tales of the grotesque and arabesque, with the result leading to what is now commonly referred to as The Saragossa Manuscript.
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Будучи офицером французской армии, я принимал участие в осаде Сарагосы.
Через несколько дней после завоевания этого города, оказавшись в одном из
отдаленных его кварталов, я обратил внимание на домик довольно изящной
архитектуры, который - это было сразу видно - французские солдаты еще не
успели разграбить.
Подстрекаемый любопытством, я подошел к двери и постучал. Она оказалась
незапертой, - я слегка толкнул ее и вошел внутрь. На мой зов никто не
откликнулся; поиски не дали результата: в доме не было ни души. Казалось,
что из дома вынесли все ценное; на столах и в шкафах остались одни
ненужные безделицы. Только в углу на полу я увидел несколько исписанных
тетрадей. Перелистал их. Рукопись была испанская; хоть я очень слабо знал
этот язык, но все же понял, что нашел что-то интересное: рукопись
содержала повествование о каббалистах, разбойниках и оборотнях. Чтение
необычайных историй казалось мне прекрасным средством рассеяния среди
походных трудов. Решив, что рукопись навсегда утратила законного
владельца, я без колебаний взял ее себе.
Ян Потоцкий
Рукопись, найденная в Сарагосе
אלפונס, קצין בלגי בצבא הספרדי, נקלע לפונדק בעיצומה של המלחמה ומכאן ואילך שוקע לתוך שלל של הרפתקאות פנטסמגוריות המוליכות אותנו עימו בשובל של קסם. הוא מתאהב בשתי נסיכות מגרות, פוגש בקבליסט ובמתמטיקאי המנסים להשתלט על נפשו - הראשון בשם האמונה והשני בשם ההיגיון - ועובר עוד כהנה וכהנה עלילות קסומות ופיקארסקיות. וויצ'ך האס מתרגם לשפת הקולנוע את הרומן שכתב יאן פוטוצקי ב־1814. האקסטרוואגנצה הזו היתה להצלחה גדולה בארה"ב של אמצע שנות ה־60‘ בזכות המסרים החתרניים, חוסר הכניעה למגבלות ההיגיון, ההומור השחור והאבסורדי; משהו שמזכיר ברוחו שילוב בין ‘אלף לילה ולילה‘ לבין ‘עליסה בארץ הפלאות‘ (היו גם מי שבחרו לאפיינו כשילוב של מונטי פייטון ו‘בארי לינדון‘). את הפסקול המוסיקלי תרם כז‘ישטוף פנדרצקי. בעיות של זכויות ועריכה מחודשת העלימו את ‘כתב היד מסרגוסה‘ מעין הציבור למשך שנים ארוכות עד שג‘רי גרסיה, איש ה‘גרייטפול דד‘ - זמן לא רב בטרם מותו - החליט לתרום מממונו כדי לשחזר את העותק ולהפיץ את הסרט מחדש בגירסתו המקורית. למותר לציין שבשנות האלפיים הצליח ‘כתב היד מסרגוסה‘ למצוא דור חדש של אוהדים.
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