10 000 Books and a Decent Stout-only in Ein Hod
Getting the perfect pour on a pint of Guinness is considered part art and part science. Animators at The Mill in London faced a similar challenge when asked to create a Guinness pour out of thousands of books with flipping pages for the commercial "Tipping Point." Set in an Argentinean mountain village, the commercial follows an elaborate domino project that starts in a small house then grows to include everything from wheels to cars to flaming bales of hay. The action culminates in a three dimensional tower of books where the pages flip in sequence to create a dramatic working model of the classic Guinness pour.
To produce this unique commercial the production company of Guinness contracted the world record holder in domino toppling Weijers Domino Productions from the Netherlands.The Guinness ad, directed by Bravia-balls guy Nicolai Fuglsig. Cost a mere 15 (fifteen, that is) million euro (thanks to Judith)
Ein Hod Books and Pottery
Danny's The Best Beer in Ein Hod
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