Monday, March 8, 2010

Insight into the Soul of an Orthodox Jew

Usually orthodox Jews are suspicious and don’t like to be interviewed. Swiss filmmaker Jürg Da Vaz succeeded, however, to get close to them. In his amazing film “Itzhak Frey&Son” he reveals the mind of Itzhak Frey, an old wise Jew with Central European roots and deep Jewish convictions who sells pastries while giving Da Vaz some history lessons and - as a cashier counting the coins - is teaching Da Vaz religious philosophy.
His colourful movie, which also has touching encounters with Frey’s son David, is a revealing document of orthodoxy in the 21st century.

„As we left the bookshop in Mea Shearim where I had met David, he made sure: “Is the tape on?“ Walking through the narrow, busy lanes of Me’a She’arim and listening intently to his fascinating stories, I cautiously asked David: “May we visit your father?“ He first hesitated since he did not know how his father would react to my camera. His father had never allowed anybody to take a picture of him. Then David suddenly stopped, turned to the right and took me to the almost 90 year old Itzhak Frey who was working in his own Pastry Shop at Yecheskei Street as a cashier.“

Швейцарский режиссер Юрг Da Ваз в удивительном фильме "Ицхак Фрей & сын" раскрывает ум Ицхака Фрея, мудрого старого еврея , который продает булочки давая Da Вазу уроки истории и религиозной философии считая сдачу.
" ...я осторожно спросил Давида : "Можем ли мы посетить вашего отеца? Сначала он колебался, поскольку он не знал, как его отец будет реагировать на мою камеру. Его отец никогда не позволял сфотографировать его. Давид вдруг остановился, повернул направо и взял меня к почти 90 летнему Ицхакы Фрею, который работал в своей кондитории на улице Ехезкель у кассы".

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